Be among the first to hear about the latest news, tips, events and special offers about the Magazine.
Our team is working tirelessly to create a magazine that reflects the beauty, strength, and uniqueness within us all. And now, we invite YOU to be a part of this extraordinary journey!

Thanks a Million for Subscribing
Your support means a lot to me, and I need your help! I'm not holding anything back – we're packing it all in, spilling all the tea, and giving you all the goods. Coming along with me on this journey means a lot. Let's shout it from the rooftops! I'm packing each page with patio vibes, delightful food journeys, amazing stories, engaging games, great DIY, and all the ingredients for pure fun. Your excitement is my motivation, and I'm working hard to make each page a reflection of the vibrant spirit we all bring to this journey.
Please note that this transaction is non-refundable.
Combined Packages (Quarterly + Yearly)
Includes a 1/4 page ad in
TPCCON and 1/2 page ad in
The Patio Chic Magazine for
Includes a half page ad in
TPCCON and full page ad in
The Patio Chic Magazine for
Includes a full page ad in
TPCCON and full page
prime ad in The Patio Chic
Magazine for $1999
Includes a 2 page spread in
TPCCON and a 2 page
spread in The Patio Chic
Magazine for $2999

Click "Download PDF" to get a copy of the full ad sheet
Promotional Packages (Includes Online Promotion)
Website Promotion
Additional $100 per month
for banner ads on The Patio
Chic website.
Newsletter Promotion
Additional $150 per month
for a featured spot in The
Patio Chic newsletter.
Live Interview
Live interview with Tara on
Tour De Patieaux | $300
Live Interview during Social Media Launch
10-15 min live interview
during Social Media launch
in our Social media
pages | $125